Lead Writer

Lewis Church

Lewis Church

Lewis Church is lead writer for The Sick Of The Fringe. He has co-ordinated writers at the Edinburgh Fringe from 2017-2019, at Folkestone's Normal? Festival of the Brain 2017 and 2018, Strike A Light 2018, Manchester International Festival 2017 and at Women and Children First in Ghent (Belgium).

He is a writer and academic based in London, whose work has also been published in PAJ, Exeunt, Loose Lips, East End Review, The Art Story and Something Other. Lewis has also produced commissioned pieces for SPILL Festival of Performance, ]performancespace[ and the Live Art Development Agency, and teaches at Birkbeck University of London. He has previously taught at Queen Mary University of London, the University of Edinburgh and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. As an artist and producer he has worked with Ron Athey, Vaginal Davis, Franko B, Bobby Baker, Split Britches, Shabnam Shabazi, Sh!t Theatre and others.