EVENTS at Fringe central and the traverse theatre

The Sick of the Fringe brings a series of events and workshops to help you survive the fringe and the wider artistic landscape, to EdFringe 2017.

Sick of the Fringe invites you to engage, to witness, to listen, and to think in new and provocative ways.

The Sick of the Fringe presents:

DIY Mindfulness Toolkit Online -  Artist Daniel Baker leads us through a series of short, practical DIY Mindfulness films that will be available in the run-up to the Edinburgh Fringe via this website. 

DIY Mindfulness Toolkit Events - Practical mindfulness techniques for stress, relaxation and focus at the Edinburgh Fringe, led by artist Daniel Baker. 

Producer Gatherings - Sally Rose and Xavier de Sousa return to host a welcoming chance to meet other producers and artists and to share ideas around working sustainably and accessibly.  

Tickets to my Trauma - Join Kate Copstick- chief comedy reviewer for The Scotsman- and guests, in an event for artists performing about their health, illness and disability.

 Join the conversation online #TSOTF17