#UKDrillProject (in development)
HighRise Theatre
TSOTF Commission, development supported by Camden People’s Theatre, Barbican Centre and Roundhouse.
Photo credit: Camilla Greenwell
In progress sharing:
The Place as part of Care and Destruction 2019.
With violent crimes involving inner-city young people rising over the last 3 years, UK Drill Music has been blamed both by politicians and the media as the cause for this spike. In the meantime, young people’s services are continuing to be cut, gentrification is forcing families apart and a rise in racism both structurally and on the streets leaves young people of colour disillusioned, lacking role models and turning to crime to support themselves.
For Care & Destruction HighRise Theatre share the beginnings of this brand new cross-art form project, offering a critical voice to a subculture and its inhabitants.
(drop in):
An immersive party exploring links between musicality and criminality, showcasing research and ideas compiled with young people. Featuring a live DJ set, immersive science experiments and offering insight into a world not often looked at through a positive lens, UK Drill.
'Its nothin fam, check the scoreboard!’ A work in progress sharing of HighRise Theatre's new concept, putting the state & UK Drill music on trial to find out who’s really to blame for the rise in youth violence in London. Performed live with an original score by Kwame ‘KZ The Producer’ Armah JR. Expect a rowdy, heartfelt story that pulls no punches!
Devised by HighRise Theatre
Directed by Dominic Garfield
Music by Kwame ‘KZ The producer’ Armah JR
Connect on social media @HighRise_UK #UKDrill #ListenUp #MusicAndCriminality #PolicingBlackBodies