Life is Shit, Shit is Life

Aoife Monks, Fulvio D'Acquisto, Qasim Aziz and guests

Presented at

Wellcome Collection as part of TSOTF London 2017.

The phrase ‘life is shit’ is usually metaphorical. However, recent discoveries in the biomedical field have highlighted how faecal matter has a central role in shaping who we are: our personality, our mental health, our susceptibility to disease. According to this new paradigm, shit is actually life.

This long-table discussion with Aoife Monks, Fulvio D'Acquisto, Qasim Aziz and guests, explores the meanings of physical and metaphorical shit for different disciplines and cultures. Involving performance artists, clinicians, immunologists, historians, literary scholars, geographers, theatre historians and you, this event will ask how shit features in our daily London lives.

#lifeisshit #shitislife