Amelia Stubberfield 

Photo credit: Lucy LeBrocq

Photo credit: Lucy LeBrocq

Presented at:

Camden People’s Theatre as part of Care and Destruction 2019.

After navigating the NHS’s mental health system for years, Amelia took the leap and requested her medical notes, hoping to gain some personal insight.

In the process she discovered an unexpected observation from her therapist “I often found myself bored in Amelia’s sessions.” She found boring by far the hardest personality diagnosis to swallow, and has set out to prove just how much she lives “life on the edge” (whilst trying not to fall off).

Using a blend of stand up comedy and theatre, Borderline questions the concept of “normal” and takes the audience on a journey that explores queer identities, mental health, the power of labels and a life led in flux.

The show is developed with support from Soho Theatre’s Young Company and Camden People’s Theatre, and is publicly funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Borderline is the latest show from Amelia Stubberfield. They are a theatre maker, actor, comedian and writer who trained at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Recent projects include a UK wide tour of Bullish by critically acclaimed company Milk Presents “Amelia is in particular an excellent comic actor” ( A Younger Theatre), Call It A Day by Greg Wohead at The Yard and Dear Elizabeth at The Gate Theatre. They have also been listed as “one to watch” by the Funny Women awards. Find out more at

Connect on social media - @amstubberfield #NavigatingLabels #MentalHealth #QueerIdentities